Here is the plan for the English-speaking Mission in Berlin (for more details check the website):

Palm Sunday (24/03/2024)

10:00             All Saints             L. Penta

10:00            Cath. Academy     D. Lenfers

11:00             St. Bernard's        S. Ajunwa

17:00             St. Bernard's        H. Anyanwu

13:00             St. Elisabeth's      H. Anyanwu

Holy Thursday: (28/03/2024)

19:00              St. Bernard's       H. Anyanwu

Good Friday (29/03/2024)

14:00              All Saints            H. Anyanwu - Stations of the Cross

15:00              All Saints            L. Penta- Liturgy of the Lord's Passion + Passion narrative: S. Ajunwa

Holy Saturday (30/03/2024)

22:00              St. Bernard's       S. Ajunwa

Easter Sunday (31/03/2024)

10:00              All Saints            H. Anyanwu

10:00              Cath. Academy   L. Penta

11:00              St. Bernard's       D. Lenfers

13:00              St. Ellisabeth      S. Ajunwa

Easter Monday (01/04/2024)

11:00              St. Bernard's       S. Ajunwa