The All Saints Catholic Community is based on the principle that we, the Community, willingly take on all the responsibilities of running our own Community and supporting our Celebrants. The All Saints Coordinators guide groups of volunteers in meeting our needs and those of our Celebrants.
Members of the All Saints Catholic Community make up the Association known as Friends of All Saints. It is a corporate entity that has leased the parish facilities from the District of Zehlendorf, which inherited it from the American Military in September, 1994. The Friends of All Saints signed a ten-year lease with the District of Zehlendorf and intends to operate the facility or purchase it by 2014. In order to further secure our presence at Hüttenweg we will call on your financial support and your volunteer service. The envelopes contained in the missalettes, stamped “Friends of All Saints” are used to designate contributions to the Association. Your undesignated contributions go to the Archdiocese or to worthy purposes as designated by the Archdiocese of Berlin.