Membership Meeting of the Friends of All Saints at the American Community Chapel e.V.

A special meeting (außerordentliche Mitgliederversammlung) of the Membership of Friends of All Saints, e.V.  will take place on 24 October, 2021 after mass at 11:15 in the Community Hall. Please plan to attend, as there are important matters to discuss.


  • Election of new member of the Vorstand
  • Financial Report 2020
  • Update on status of contract negotiations
  • Fee schedule for use of rooms
  • Other matters arising

Only members who have paid their annual membership fees are eligible to vote. To renew or begin your membership (one per family), we would kindly ask you to pay the 5€ membership fee, either by putting it in an envelope with your name, address, telephone number and email at church, or by transferring the sum to the ASC bank account:

Friends of All Saints e.V.

DE15 3706 0193 6001 6690 18


If you have already given donations to the church this year using the ASC envelope with your name written on it, this can be considered as your membership fee.

Prof. Dr. Michael Burda, Chairman

Berlin, Germany