If Jesus is radical, can we respond to him with lukewarmness or calculation? Is everyone invited to follow him?

Jesus is radical.

He gives all and he asks all: he gives a love that is total and asks for an undivided heart.…

Jesus asks each of us and all of us as the Church journeying forward: are we a Church that only preaches good commandments or a Church that is a spouse, that launches herself forward in love for her Lord? Do we truly follow him or do we revert to the ways of the world, like that man in the Gospel?

In a word, is Jesus enough for us or do we look for many worldly securities?

Let us ask for the grace always to leave things behind for love of the Lord:

to leave behind wealth,

leave behind the yearning for status and power,

leave behind structures that are no longer adequate for proclaiming the Gospel,

those weights that slow down our mission, the strings that tie us to the world.

Without a leap forward in love, our life and our Church become sick from “complacency and self-indulgence”

(Evangelii Gaudium, 95).

Pope Francis, Canonization of the Blesseds

Oct. 14, 2018