Now that it is clear that the Triduum celebrations will take place. Here is the plan for the English speaking Mission in Berlin:

Holy Thursday: (01.04.2021)

17:00-18:30    Cath. Academy livestream FROM ALL SAINTS - L. Penta

19:00              All Saints            D. Lenfers (chief celebrant) and D. Watun

19:00              St. Bernard's       S. Ajunwa

Good Friday (02.04.2021)

14:30              All Saints            S. Ajunwa - Way of the cross

15:00              All Saints            W. Felber - Passion celebration

19:00              Cath. Academy livestream FROM ALL SAINTS - L. Penta

Holy Saturday (03.04.2021)

21:00              St. Elisabeth       S. Ajunwa

Easter Sunday (04.04.2021)

10:00              All Saints            W. Felber

11:00              St. Bernard's       D. Lenfers

17:00              St. Bernard's       D. Watun

13:00              St. Elisabeth       S. Ajunwa

14:15              St. Ellisabeth      S. Ajunwa

16:30              Cath. Academy livestream FROM ALL SAINTS - L. Penta

Easter Monday (05.04.2021)

11:00              St. Bernard's       S. Ajunwa

Please take note that all celebrations must not exceed 60 minutes.

On Palm Sunday the third form of the Palm Sunday liturgy is recommended. That means the procession component is cancelled. The Palm Sunday celebration starts with simple entrance to the Altar like any other Sunday.